"Since childhood I'veĀ been surrounded by deaf people from which I believe to have absorbed the uniqueness of visual communication. One day, on January '17, I came across a picture of a group of men lined up, covered with heavy blankets, waiting for their food ration. I felt a chill, it was an image that until that moment I associated with a remote era, one of the darkest chapter in human history: the holocaust. I felt the need to understand more, to see with my own eyes, without filters, what until that day I've been told by third parties. I took my camera and left for Belgrade where, almost unconsciously, I developed my first reportage.
Since that day I feel the need to keep snooping around with the ambition to find answers but I'm realizing that the more I see the less I know, and the questions keep piling up."
Since that day I feel the need to keep snooping around with the ambition to find answers but I'm realizing that the more I see the less I know, and the questions keep piling up."