" what is a clown doing in the middle of the desert?" "The clown is a bridge between the possible and the impossible, heaven and earth, the material and the intangible, between the concrete and the spiritual. An instrument to feed that place of human's mind where everything is possible and any world is achievable. And more simply to show this people fighting for survival, that they are not alone. Through laughs, joy, hugs, looks and pranks, they feel accompanied in their struggle." These are the words of Ivan Prado, co-founder of 'Pallasos en Rebeldia' ('Clowns in Rebellion'), a movement that, through the circus arts, promotes solidarity and cheerfulness as engines of social change and that fights culturally alongside communities that must cope with oppression. He speaks from Bojador, a refugee camp in a remote place in the context of a forgotten conflict in which, for more than forty years, the Saharawi people have been subjected to a prolonged and brutal occupation by Morocco and to the harsh exile in the Algerian desert.